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Finding Balance in a Post Career Life

Normally when I write a blog post I’m trying to share information to address a life question related to post career life. I learned these answers through education, collaboration, reading, sharing information with other thought leaders…and through my own life experiences. In today’s post, I want to pose a question.
For several years now I’ve struggled with finding a balance between the time I dedicate towards trying to be an empathetic changemaker supporting people in a post career phase of life, and still allowing time for play and exploration. I tend to be someone that dives in deep when I find something I’m passionate about. At times that has taken me down a path of overextending myself and, ultimately, either burning out or feeling like I’m way out of balance with my personal needs.
I’ve spent hours with clients listening to their similar concerns or experiences. “I want to do something good for my community, but I also want to travel, play golf, go hiking, etc.” The desire to look beyond oneself and address a larger need is an important one. It is most often how we reinvigorate our sense of purpose and relevance. For some, finding an outlet for supporting the greater good becomes their mission. Waking up to work on their community project of choice is exactly how they want to spend most of their free time. For others, myself for example, there is a need to share available time between altruism and healthy exploration and play.
There is no right or wrong answer so far. The challenge for those who want it all is finding the balance. Many non-profits that one might volunteer at prefer to work with people who can commit to a consistent time or effort. It is understandably challenging for non-profits to be constantly training a new volunteer.
So, our need for balance has many variables. Finding the right fit for the time you want to dedicate to volunteer work may take a little extra effort but it’s worth it. For myself, I’m finding that with some of the work that I do I can reach people from just about anywhere electronically. To avoid burnout, I’m discovering that putting up a few walls around activities I want to participate in has been helpful.
What have you found that has helped you find a balance between passion work and exploration/fun? I look forward to hearing from you.


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