
You have great employees who have helped your company become successful.  You want to show your appreciation as they get older and are looking at retirement in the next few years.  Maybe you host a half or full day for them to meet with experts in financial planning, Social Security and Medicare.  This is all good stuff and immensely helpful to your older employees.

Now take it one step further and help them prepare for the physical, emotional and psychological cliff many will walk off when they leave your company.  The Authentic Aging workshop is designed to prepare people for this major life transition in an interactive way through honest and useful conversation that clears up many of the myths around retirement.

We talk about what’s important in this new life from a whole body health perspective including mental, emotional and physical health and then give them practical tools they can begin using today to help them prepare for and move more confidently into their post career life.

Now that’s a way to say “thank you” for years of effort.

Contact me for more information at bob@authenticaging.net

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